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Do I need a website for my business?


We live in a world led by technology so in order to generate new leads for your business it’s important that you have an online presence. Social media plays a huge part in this and this leads many businesses to believe that a website isn’t necessary.

Ask yourself, what’s the first thing you do when you’re looking for something you need? You use Google! What’s the first thing you do when you hear about a new business you’ve never used before? You Google it! Having a website for your business shows that you are a legitimate company and it’s the first impression your potential client will get of you. So it’s important that it’s attractive to your ideal client , it looks professional and gives them the information they are looking for.

Your website is the perfect place to direct people to so that they can get more information before making a decision on buying your goods or services. It’s where you can shout about your expertise and tell people why they should choose you over the competition.

A website opens up further opportunities to generate new leads which you wouldn’t get by just using social media such as;

  • Capturing information

  • Directing traffic to various pages on your website

  • Directing traffic to other useful resources

  • Directing traffic to your social media

  • Live chat

  • Call to action

Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is a great way to capture information from your website visitors. A lead magnet is a document which you provide to subscribers in exchange for their contact details. You need to think about what information your ideal client would be looking for and then create an ebook which tells them the answers they are looking for. For example, if you’re a bookkeeper then your website visitors will be looking for information such as what expenses they are allowed to claim. Therefore you could write a lead magnet called, ‘A Director’s guide to Limited Company Expenses’. The more specific you are in the title of your lead magnet the better quality of leads you will generate. You can read more about lead magnets here.

Directing traffic

Once someone visits your website you want to keep them engaged. It needs to be easy to navigate and understand so they are tempted to stay browsing for longer. Adding links to refer people to specific places on your website makes your website user friendly and if they can easily get to a third party website which will also benefit them then that’s great too. Just make sure that the links open in a new window so that they still remain on your website.

You can display your Facebook feed on your website so that your visitors can see your recent posts, this is also great for SEO purposes. Having your social media links visible also encourages them to click on them and then they may even like your page and start following you.

Live Chat

The more options you have for people to contact you the more likely you are to increase the number of people getting in touch. Providing your customers with the option of a live chat gives them instant access to you and improves their customer experience which plays a vital role in business growth.


Writing a blog and publishing it to your website builds trust with your audience. Be consistent with your posting as this will help SEO so that you are found more easily on Google. Google loves a website that regularly has new content added and blogging is the best way to do this. Give your audience the option to like, comment and share. The more people that do this the larger your audience will get. You can also share a snippet of your blog on your social media platforms with a link to the blog on your website. Once people are on your website the more likely they are to browse around.

Call to action

Call to actions encourage people to take action there and then, so it’s important you dot them around your website. What is a call to action you say? A call to action is a button which tempts people to press it! You can use various different call to actions for loads of different reasons. Here’s just a few:

  • Download - You may offer a free or paid download on your website, just make sure you capture their info first!

  • Buy now - encourage people to make the purchase there and then

  • Book a call - Add a link to your booking system such as Calendly where a potential client can book a time slot that suits them to speak to you. The easier you make the experience the more likely they are to book.

  • Read more

  • Find out more

These are just a few examples but as you can see these buttons will help you to generate more leads.

Before building a website ask yourself what you want to achieve from it. Is it lead generation or is it just a place you can refer people to for information? Once you know your goal, get in touch and we can have a chat about how we can help you. Building websites is something we really enjoy doing, let us know if you would like to see some examples of our work.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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