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How to create a social media strategy


Creating a social media strategy can be overwhelming. There are so many platforms to choose from, and each one has its own unique features. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of creating a social media strategy that will help you reach your business goals. We'll cover topics such as choosing the right platforms, developing content strategies, and measuring success. Let's get started!


Social Media platforms are constantly changing. What worked last year, might not work this year. It's important to stay up-to-date on the latest platform changes and trends. That's why you should review your Social Media Strategy every few months.

Over the past decade, social media has emerged as an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. By creating a presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin, businesses can reach a wider audience and build stronger relationships with their customers. In addition, social media can be used to generate leads and drive sales. For example, many businesses use Facebook advertising to target potential customers with specific interests. Likewise, Instagram and Pinterest are popular platforms for promoting products and services. And with the rise of Tiktok, businesses are finding new and creative ways to reach younger audiences.

In short, there are endless possibilities for businesses when it comes to social media. With so many platforms to choose from, the important thing is to be present where your ideal client hangs out, so do your research. The key is to be as visible on as many platforms as possible and to be consistent.


Now that you've selected the platforms you want to be active on, it's time to start developing your content strategy. What kind of content will you post? How often will you post? What's your tone of voice? These are all important questions to consider when creating your social media strategy.

You need to decide on what you want to achieve from your Social Media posts. Do you just want to be more visible and present online, create a place your clients can turn to if they have questions, or do you want to generate more leads?

Once you've established what your end goal is, you need to create visual graphics as well as content to post. Deciding on what to post isn't easy especially if you're not the creative type. If it's not something you're used to it can take up a lot of your time, so it's important to remain focused. Your posts should shout quality so don't just post anything on a whim.

Enlisting help from a Social Media Manager like Two Birds Resources may be the best way forward for you.

Decide on how often you would like to post, remember the more you post the more you will get seen, but you don't want to overwhelm your audience with content. Set yourself days and times that you would like to post your social media and use a scheduling tool such as Social Pilot or Hootsuite, that way you can schedule your content for the whole month and not worry about it.

At Two Birds Resources we use Social Pilot to connect securely to your social media platforms and schedule your posts accordingly.

We advise posting 3 times per week preferably Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's on a consistent basis. It's also great to drop some personal posts in over the weekend too as and when you can. This shows your audience the true 'you' so that they can relate to you. It also gives your clients a talking point when they next speak to you, which of course if great for building those important relationships.

We also recommend posting a blog to your website and sharing it on your social media platforms. This generates trust with your audience as you are offering free advice and your ideal client then knows where to turn to if they need your services. There's also the added bonus that blogging helps with your SEO, you'll soon be on the first page on Google!

From experience we have found that the best time to post on social media is early morning between 6-8am, mid morning 11am (especially on LinkedIn) and between the hours of 6pm and 10pm in the evening. This is when your audience is more likely to be active. Don't just take our word for it though, it's important to measure your engagement in order to improve your strategy, it's a good starting point though!


Now that you've created a content strategy, it's important to measure your success. This can be done by looking at things such as engagement, reach, website traffic, and leads generated. By analysing your results, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Good luck and remember where we are if you need any support.

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