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How to manage your workload during the school holidays


Do you dread the summer holidays, or have you found the right balance between managing your business from home and keeping the kids entertained?

I speak to so many business owners who look forward to spending time with their children but just don‘t know how they’ll manage running their business whilst keeping the little ones happy. Being a working parent is hard!

I’m lucky that Kai keeps himself entertained and only really needs me when he’s hungry! I plan out days to break up the holidays. If we’re not going on holiday, which this year our holiday came before the school holidays then it can make the 6 weeks holidays feel really long!

I’m close to a few Mum’s at school that I’m happy to share childcare with. One of them is a nurse so it’s harder for her to split her time. As I work from home and run my own business it’s easier for me to help out more and to be honest, it’s better that Kai has a friend around to keep him entertained so that I can get on with some work. I just make sure that my workload is a bit lighter on those days that we have Kai’s friends around.

I advise checking out what school clubs are taking place in your local area too. It’s great to have a few hours to yourself and it also does the kids good too. Kai often goes to a club where they do various sports and also football days. So much better for him than sitting behind the TV or on the Xbox all day!

If you’re a business owner without a team behind you it can prove to be more difficult to cover all the work that needs doing whilst the children are at home. You may find yourself working at night when the kids have gone to bed and leaving the tasks that require your concentration until they’re not around.

Power of delegation

You don’t have to employ staff to have a team. Outsourcing may be the way forward for you and there’s nothing stopping you from just outsourcing work as and when you need it. Even though we don’t offer ad hoc work as such, we’d be more than happy for you to purchase a block of hours from us to cover the school holidays. There’s no commitment to subscribe for more than a month if you don’t want to. We can just be there as and when you require our support. Although we have found that those clients who came to us looking for support during the school holidays have stayed with us as they’ve seen the value it brings. They see how much time they get back to concentrate on other areas of their business and also the time it frees up to spend time with family throughout the year, not just during the holidays.

If you’re feeling stressed about the upcoming school holidays and want to have a chat to find out how it can work then just book a chat with us. It’s totally free and there’s no obligation to proceed with our services. It will just give you an insight into how it can work for you.

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